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Microsoft Access Database Programming and Support

We provide Microsoft Access Databae analysis, design and programming services for small to medium sized companies in Manitoba.

We can help you upgrade, modify or fix any existing Microsoft Access Database application or we can help you create a new one.

We specialize in converting existing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, lookups, logic and formulas into more robust Access Database applications.

We can help you with any version of Microsoft Access that you may be using.

Learn more » Microsoft Access

Microsoft SQL Sever Database Programming and Support

If you are currently using Microsoft Access for your database solution we can help you migrate to a Microsoft SQL Server back end.

If you are using currently Microsoft Access with MS SQL as the back end we can help update, modify or fix you application or database.

If you are looking for a Browser Based Solution we design one for you based on Microsoft SQL Database using the latest Microsoft Visual Studio development environment.

Learn more » Microsoft SQL Server

Custom Website Development

We design and create website applications for external hosting or internal networks using the latest Microsoft Visual Studio development environment.

Our typical website involves some form of data, data management, data processing, reporting, importing/exporting and work process management.

Our custom website applications will help you streamline your companies data, work flow and operations from any computer, tablet or phone with a browser.

Learn more » Microsoft Visual Studio

Expert Systems

Database Technologies is a Winnipeg Based Microsoft Database Application Solution Provider.